President of the World Mr Djuyoto Suntani Shows the raising of the Peace Flag at All World’s Tallest Buildings
[28/08/2018 19.58 wib]
President of the World Mr Djuyoto Suntani Shows the raising of the Peace Flag at All World’s Tallest Buildings Tuesday 28/08/2018 International – National — The most influential figure on Planet Earth who serves as President of the World Peace Committee 202 states that all the Highest Buildings in the World will fly the World Peace Committee.
This was conveyed by President of the World Mr Djuyoto Suntani when addressing KL Tower Malaysia on August 25 2018 in front of thousands of invitees at the “Suwaibah Tallest Tower 30 for World Peace Mission” event.

President of the World Mr Djuyoto Suntani fully supported the Ambassador of the World Peace Committee HE Madam Suwaibah to run to conquer all the World’s Tallest Buildings. Until the top of the Highest Building immediately raises the flag of World Peace.
The World Peace Committee’s support will facilitate by opening access and providing Support Letter to HE Madam Suwaibah M. Nasir to all parties needed.

“I as President of the World Peace Committee for 202 States support the Conquest of the World’s Highest Building by Ambassador HE Madam Suwaibah M. Nasir,” said the President of the World HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani.
“The Conquest of the World’s Highest Building for World Peace,” said Mr Djuyoto Suntani.
“I fully support and hope that within the next five years the 30 World’s Highest Buildings have been conquered by the Peace Ambassador HE Madam Suwaibah,” said World President Mr Djuyoto Suntani. (Den.mj)