World President HE Mr Djuyoto Suntani Setting Jerusalem as the Capital of World Peace
World President HE Mr Djuyoto Suntani Setting Jerusalem as the Capital of World Peace
Media Thursday 03/05/2018 International – On behalf of the 202nd International Society, President of the World Peace Committee HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani conveyed that on 9 May 2018 Jerusalem as the capital of World Peace. The determination was marked by the handing over of the certificate from the President of the World HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani to the Al-Quds University and the Head of the Hamsah Samaah Cultural Society, the moment was presented when President Djuyoto Suntani as Key Note speaker of “Culture and Civilization Between Peace and Stability in Jerusalem” Thursday 3 May 2018.

Tomorrow the Certificate of Determination of Jerusalem as the Capital of World Peace was handed over to Palestinian President HE Mr Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister HE Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.

World President Djuyoto Suntani takes firm steps to establish Jerusalem as the capital of World Peace to extract the function and substance of the Jerusalem name. As the President of World Peace on, in Hebrew, Jerusalem comes from Jeruz: home and Salem: peace / Peace. In Arabic comes from the word Darutz: House and Greetings: peace or Darussalam which means “House of Peace”.

“Peace House ya should be a shady place, peaceful,” said the World-born Figures Indonesia. United States President HE Mr Donald Trump Beginning in 2018, made a scene of the World when making a statement want to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. HE statement Mr Donald Trump can be a strong reaction from the State and Muslim Societies around the World. It made Turkish President HE Mr Recep Toyip Erdagon countered Trump by saying Turkey immediately opened the Turkish Embassy for Palestine in Jerusalem.

“Such cross dispute is not useful at all, it is a waste of energy. To take the middle ground, I set Jerusalem as the capital of World Peace run by Israel and Palestine. This is the best middle ground, “said the Most Influential Person on the Planet. According to HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani to set unnecessary. “The civilization is defined, not sealed,” declared the World leader who set this Earth Family Day. “After I set, the whole world must follow,” said the figure who works for the 1,000,000 in the future.

“For the legality of Jerusalem as the Capital of World Peace besides I gave Certificate, I also built the World Peace Gong in Bukit Moria, Bukit which is the source of the two siblings conflict that is Israel with Palestine because of the seizure of Ibrahim’s Tomb,” said the Legendary Legend of the World. “Their conflict came from the tomb of Abraham / Avram / Abraham that was split in two. So I put the World Peace Gong on Mount Moria “. (Den.Mj)